XVI. mednarodna strokovna konferenca
vzgojiteljev/pomočnikov vzgojiteljev v vrtcih
Čustveni in socialni razvoj predšolskega otroka
9. 3. 2023
9.00 - 17.00
Tematska področja:
- Čustveni in socialni razvoj predšolskega otroka (mejniki, izkušnje, ugotovitve, sodobni otroci, čustvene stiske otrok).
Socialno-čustveni kurikul v vrtcu (sistematični pristopi pri razvijanju čustvene inteligence in socialnih veščin na predšolskem obdobju na nivoju vrtca ali nivoju skupine) - Praktične strategije za razvijanje čustvene inteligence in socialnih veščin (npr. upravljanje s čustvi, samozavedanje, opazovanje samega sebe, prepoznava čustev, regulacija čustev, socialno vedenje, socialne veščine, socialne kompetence, socialni stripi, socialne zgodbe, modelno učence, socialne igre ipd.)
Vabljeni gosti
Dr Margaret Sutherland

Senior Lecturer (Social Justice Place and Lifelong Education)
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Margaret Sutherland is senior lecturer in inclusive education at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. She is the Director of the Scottish Network for Able Pupils and Deputy Director of the Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning, University of Glasgow. She has 34 years teaching experience in mainstream primary schools, behaviour support and latterly in higher education.
She has written articles in the field of gifted and talented education and is author of Gifted and Talented in the Early Years: A practical guide for 3-6 year olds and Developing the Gifted and Talented Young Learner. Her first book is now in its second edition and has been translated into German and Slovenian. She is an elected member of the general committee of the European Council for High Ability (ECHA) and serves on the ECHA accreditation committee for the creation of a European Talent Centre. She also serves on the Executive Committee of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children. Margaret is on the editorial board of the Korean Educational Development Institute Journal of Educational Policy and Journal for Educating Young Scientists and Giftedness and reviews papers for High Ability Studies, British Educational Research Journal and the British Journal of Religious Education. She regularly gives keynote addresses at conferences and has led courses, workshops and seminars across the UK and has also been invited to work with staff and students in Tanzania, Malawi, Korea, Virginia, USA, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Luxembourg and Denmark.

Sylvia Hakari
Senior Lecturer, Early Childhood Education, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland
Pedagogical Director, Helsinki International Schools, Helsinki, Finland
Sylvia Hakari is an ECEC Teacher, Master of Arts (Education) and a Senior Lecturer of Early childhood education and applied educational sciences in Metropolia University of Applied
Sciences. She has worked in the field of early childhood education for twenty years, first as a teacher with children from one to six years, then as a project worker in ECEC field development projects and from year 2011 as a lecturer in Metropolia as well as in many ECEC field and educational projects. She is also a PhD student, her research topic is social sustainability and peer relationships in day care settings. Her main interests in the ECEC field are playful learning, building the sense of community and pedagogical documentation.
The several development projects she has worked in as a project worker, researcher and or as a member of the advisory board has enhanced the participation of children and families, built multiprofessional collaboration between ECEC and health care services, developed educational play pedagogy and pedagogical drama, education for sustainability (e-learning project) and pedagogical documentation as a tool for professional development of ECEC teachers in Finland and in Belgium. She has also worked as a member of the advisory board of the National Core Curriculum for ECEC (2016) in Finland (2015-2016).

Sokolj Beganaj
Direkcija za inkluziju Roma i Egipčana, Ministarstvo pravde, ljudskih i manjinjskih prava, Podgorica, Crna Gora
Sokolj Beganaj je prvi Rom koji je završio fakultet u Crnoj Gori / Filozofski fakultet – smjer Predškolsko vaspitanje osnovne studije, a zatim specijalističke isti smjer. Oba puta diplomirao sa desetkom. Beganaj je prvi Rom koji je počeo da radi u državnoj instituciji. (Ministarstvo za ljudska i manjinska prava).
Beganaj je rođen 2. juna 1966 Nikšić u desetoročlanoj romskoj porodici.Diplomirao je 2007. godina na Filozofskom fakultetu u Nikšiću – Smjer – predškolsko vaspitanje, prosječna ocjena devet – diplmirao sa desetkom. Specijalističke studije, sa prosječnom ocjenom devet – diplomirao sa desetkom, završio je 2008. godine.Na tom fakultetu magistrirao je 2016. godine. Govori Romski, Albanski, Italijanski (osnovno), Njemački (osnovno). Pozorišne predstave u kojima je režirao i glumio su: »Magistar Metle«, »Moj Dnevnik«, »Romska Svadba«, dječije pozorišne predstave » Baš mi ti trebaš«, » Hoću da budem dijete«, »Livada«, »Doktorica Maša«, »Drugarstvo«, »Likovi iz Bajki«, »U školu niks«Objavio zbirku pjesama pod naslovom: »Pjesme o Romima« odnosno Đilja e Rromendar« 2012 godine, na romskom i crnogorskom, objavio je i Autobiografsko djelo pod nazivom: »Obrazovanje jednog Roma od siromaštva do ministarstva«, Magistarski rad: „Antidiskriminatorni pristupi u predškolskom sistemu Crne Gore« , istraživanje: » Očuvanje i razvoj nacionalnog identiteta – promocija istorije, kulture, jezika i drugih obilježja nacionalnog identiteta RE populacije istraživanjem i objavljivanjem publikacije o pripadnicima/cama RE populaciji na teritoriji opštine Nikšić«.